Tennis Club Bylaws

Trilogy at Vistancia Tennis Club Bylaws

 (Approved by the Tennis Club Membership and signed on October 15, 2018)

Article I – General 

Section A.       Name:  Trilogy at Vistancia Tennis Club

Section B.       Organization Purpose:  Provide an organization for the purpose of playing tennis at Trilogy.

Section C.       These bylaws willfully comply with the Association’s Governing Documents (Documents), and Club Rules (Article 9) and Procedures (Rules). In the event of a conflict between these bylaws and the Documents, or Rules, the Documents or Rules will prevail.

Section D.       This organization shall be operated as a non-profit association in accordance with applicable statutes and the Association’s Documents.

Article II – Membership

Section A.       Membership shall be open to all Association members in good standing without discrimination as to race, religion, color, ethnic culture, or national heritage.

Section B.       There shall be no precondition for membership, nor will members be required to join any national, state, or regionally affiliated organization.

Section C.       Annual Dues shall be set by the Executive Board.

Section D.       As set forth in Article I, Section B of these Bylaws, the fundamental purpose of the Club is to promote and play tennis at Trilogy.  Should the Executive Board of the Club determine, in its discretion, that a Club Member has acted in a manner that frustrates that fundamental purpose, or that in any way jeopardizes or negatively impacts the Club’s operations, status, or use of Association facilities (including the tennis courts), the Executive Board shall be authorized to suspend the Club Member’s membership voting rights as to Club issues put before the Club membership, and/ or to terminate the individual’s membership in the Club. Should the member’s voting rights be suspended pursuant to this Section, then such member shall be considered ineligible to vote and to not be in good standing for purposes of Article IV, Section (B)(iii) of these Bylaws.

Article III – Officers

Section A.       The Executive Board shall consist of a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and a member-at-large.

Section B.       All officers shall be elected by a vote of the general membership, and shall serve without compensation.

Section C.       Terms of Office and Responsibilities

Officer Responsibilities:

i. The President shall preside over all the meetings.

ii. The Vice President will assist the President at meetings and will preside at meetings in the President’s absence.

iii. The Secretary shall record all minutes and keep the records of the club.

iv. The Treasurer will collect all monies, pay all bills, and keep all financial records.

v. The member-at-large represents the interests of the entire Trilogy community.

vi. Officer Terms: The terms of office will be for one year starting the first day in January and ending the last day of December.

Section D.       Nomination and Election Procedures

A nominating committee consisting of three to five members in good standing will be appointed by the Executive Board. Nominations will be announced to the general membership during the month of November. Elections will be held at the Annual Meeting during the month of December. Officers shall assume their responsibilities on January 1.

Section E.       Vacancies and Recall of Officers

                        In the event an officer is not able to perform his/her duties, as determined by the officer or the Executive Board, a replacement will be appointed by the Executive Board.

Article IV – Meetings

Section A.       Types and Frequencies of Meetings

                        The Annual Meeting will be held once per year in December. Executive Board meetings will be held at least once per quarter.  Other meetings of the membership will be held as determined by the Executive Board.

Section B.       Meetings, Quorum, Voting Procedures

i. Meetings will be held as determined by the Executive Board, with an agenda transmitted to the membership no later than five days before the meeting.

 ii.       The Executive Board will call a meeting of the general membership within 30 days of receipt of a petition of no fewer than 20% of the membership for such a meeting.  Such petition shall state the purpose of  the meeting, and the agenda of the meeting shall be restricted to the purpose for which the meeting was called.

iii. A quorum will be a minimum of 10% of the general membership. Only members in good standing will be permitted to vote. Voting procedure at a meeting will be by show of hands or by secret ballot. Voting may take place by e-mail.

Section C.       Responsibilities

                        The general membership shall be responsible for club bylaws and changes, and election of officers. The Executive Board shall be responsible for issues involving policy and procedure and for events.  The Executive Board shall notify members and invite feedback (e.g. via general meeting or email) in advance of its voting.

Section D.       Parliamentary Procedure

Conduct at all meetings will be governed by using Roberts Rules of Order as a guide.

Article V – Financial

Section A.       Financial records will be maintained for a period of seven (7) years by the Treasurer of record.

Section B.       Individual expenditures in excess of  $1,000 shall require a majority approval by vote of the general membership in accordance with the voting and quorum procedures defined in Article IV, Section B of the club’s Bylaws.

Section C.       Financial records shall be certified annually by an individual(s) other than those elected to the Executive Board. The results of the certification will be presented to the general membership and duly recorded in the applicable minutes of the meeting at which presented.

Section D.       All funds/revenues shall be deposited in a bank account established in the club’s name with the Association. A club’s bank account shall be maintained through succeeding club administrations.

                        Disbursements, other than those made from petty cash on hand shall not be made from cash that has not been deposited in the club’s bank account. These disbursements shall be made by club check. All checks in excess of $1,000 shall require two (2) board member signatures. Inventory control procedures over retail and asset inventories shall include periodic physical counts and reconciliation to the underlying accounting records. All club inventories are to be maintained and safeguarded so as to prevent theft, deterioration, etc.

Article VI – Committees

Section A.       Committees will be established as needed (e.g., publicity, activities, newsletter, etc.) by the Executive Board.

Section B.       Committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the Executive Board.

Section C.       All committees will have written mission statements assigned prior to committee appointment.

Article VII – Amendments

Section A.       To amend the bylaws of this club requires a majority vote of the quorum at a meeting duly called for such purpose.

Section B.       Notice Requirement and Procedure

Any proposed amendment of these Bylaws must be publicized at least 30 days prior to a vote on the amendment, via email, general meeting announcements, and/or posting at the courts, on and/or in the Trilogy newsletter.

Article VIII – Dissolution

                        Prior to club dissolution, and after all debts are satisfied, all property and assets shall be turned over to the Association.


The foregoing Bylaws are hereby approved and the Charter is hereby amended, subject to the Charter Club Rules and Procedures and subject to Article 9 of the Rules and Regulations.

                    Thomas Wright                                                               10/15/2018

For the Club: Thomas Wright, President                                         Dated

                          Michael Santonino                                                        10/15/2018

For the Resort: Michael Santonino, Director                                  Dated

of Resort Operations for 

BlueStar Resorts